End Google Ads 201810 - BS.net 01 --> Hi to all:

Please could someone help me!
I am new to Silverlight but trying to get my head around the format and structure of it all.
I am experimenting with different ways of designing a web site and encountered the following problem.

What I am trying to do in a nutshell is to host a Silverlight control from a Silverlight application. To be more specific; from a *.Xaml file. My example is below:-

I am using a third party Silverlight control called Vertigo.Slideshow (I'm sure you will have heard of it).
From a website (Html coded page) I just do the following


new SlideShow.Control(new SlideShow.XmlConfigProvider());

I then just add a Data.Xml file (with refs to all images) and also a Configuration.Xml to my current folder. This all works perfectly fine.

However, I've created a new web site in Visual Studio 2008 using 'Silverlight Navigation Application'.
So all my web pages are in the *.Xaml format.
What I'm trying to do is add this Vertigo.Slideshow.Xap control to my web page (Xaml) but really, really struggling. I know I must be doing something fundamentally wrong but cannot seem to resolve it.

I would really appreciate any help whatsoever to anyone who can shed some light on this (or even a snippet of code which will do this).

I would be eternally grateful to whomever gives me a pointer.

Thanks in advance.
