End Google Ads 201810 - BS.net 01 --> Hello guys and girls

I'm recently started on C# but as I know abit programming (Coming from Java) it should be easy to do this, but as I have experienced from Microsoft its never easy on customizing or subclassing their components (I've tried in Win32/C Old school, but thats many years ago)

The question is:

I want to draw a dropshadowborder on a panel and/or take it further to draw all components with a dropshadow when they are added to the panel

I started on subclassing Panel to override OnPaint, but as I cannot do the following code (atleast not yet) in C# I would like to have an explanation if you guys/girls are up for it or willing to help me out so I learn abit more this day

// Sample code working in Java

public void paint(Graphics g) {
if (shadow == null) {
BufferedImage buffer = new BufferedImage(getWidth(),
Graphics2D g2 = buffer.createGraphics();
shadow = factory.createShadow(buffer);
g.drawImage(shadow, distance_x, distance_y, null);
g.drawImage(buffer, 0, 0, null);
} else if (isVisible()) {
g.drawImage(shadow, distance_x, distance_y, null);
// End of sample snippet

My snippet in C#:

//Snippet from C#

protected override void OnPaint(System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs e)
Image buffer = new Bitmap(Width, Height);
Graphics g2 = Graphics.FromImage(buffer); // Here I want to take a "snapshot" of the panel it self or the components added to the panel but cant quite see where I shall steal the "image" I know atm this is "white"
g2.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.Black), new Rectangle(5, 5, Width, Height));
e.Graphics.DrawImage(buffer, 0, 0);

I know the code convertion isnt exact the same but it was to point out my problem
I hope you can see what I want to do, and I hope someone is willing to spend some minutes answering me with some theory.

My Best Regards and Wishes

David Bundgaard