End Google Ads 201810 - BS.net 01 --> Alright, I'm trying to wrap a server written in c for the most part in a class. From inside one of the methods I want to launch a thread to another method. My attempt looks something like this:

void WebServer::ListenServer(void)
unsigned threadID;

int fromlen = sizeof (from);

messageSocket = accept (listenSocket, (struct sockaddr*)&from, &fromlen);

// Handle the message socket:
if (messageSocket != INVALID_SOCKET)
// Launch thread to respond to the request :

_beginthreadex(NULL, 1000, (void*)&WebServer::HandleRequest, NULL, 0, &threadID);

void WebServer::HandleRequest()

// Do some work here:


Can this even be done? I have tried multiple castings etc of the beginthreadex() function. What would be an alternative to this?