End Google Ads 201810 - BS.net 01 --> I am trying to pass in a vector of some subclass to a function defined with the base class in the parameter list, like void mod(vector < baseclass > &bcs). If I have a vector of subclass objects, as vector < subclass > sc, and call mod(sc), I get the error "A reference that is not to 'const' cannot be bound to a non-lvalue". Doing this without vectors is no problem; i.e, void mod(baseclass &bc), subclass sc; call mod(sc). I can get around this by defining 2 sum(*) functions, one with a baseclass parameter and one with a subclass parameter, but there goes the use of inheritance. The vector will by modified by mod(*), so I don't want to pass as const. Is there a way I can use 1 function on both the base and sub classes? Thanks.