End Google Ads 201810 - BS.net 01 --> i have the following code to print the input and the output of 2 deifferent classes / fileds when i click the : print output or print input the programm comes to the function PrintOutput or PrintInput inside these 2 functions i have this code line to reset the cursor
position in the right filed which content to be printed and set the windows message to ID_FILE_PRINT which is in the normal case the element to be clicked in order to call OnFilePrint(). when i use OnFilePrint()indicators get an Assert debug failure because hDC is not intialized, i do not kn ow if this is the right way to solve this problem.

this is in the file sql_input.cpp

void CSQL_Input_View::OnPrintInput ()
m_wndSplitter.SetActivePane(0,0,0); // reset cursor position
and this is in the file sql_output.cpp

void CSQL_Output_View::OnPrintOutput ()
m_wndSplitter.SetActivePane(1,0,0); // reset cursor position

Any help would be appriciated.