End Google Ads 201810 - BS.net 01 --> So, Trying to make a 5 card draw poker game using C, and I've come across a hurdle. The following code is randomly choosing cards correctly, but when I try to change them from their deck number to their card, they all come out as the same card. Not sure what is happening, but if you run the program, I put cout statements in to show how the numbers are random.


using namespace std;

int main()
int cardNum1;
int cardNum2;
int cardNum3;
int cardNum4;
int cardNum5;
int cardNum6;
int cardNum7;
int cardNum8;
int cardNum9;
string card1;
string card2;
string card3;
string card4;
string card5;
string card6;
string card7;
string card8;
string card9;
string suit1;
string suit2;
string suit3;
string suit4;
string suit5;
string suit6;
string suit7;
string suit8;
string suit9;


cardNum1 = (rand()%51 + 1);