End Google Ads 201810 - BS.net 01 --> Hi,

maybe it's a simple problem for most of you, but I can't find an easy way to quite simple problem, let me describe:

Let's have this code:

public ClassToChange()
... //some other methods
internal List LockAndGetData()
return data;

internal Unlock()

private object cs = new object();
private List data = new List();

public class Editor
public Editor(ClassToChange editedObject)
this.editedObject = editedObject;

public void MyFunctionToChangeData()
List data = editedObject.LockAndGetData();

... // change data

private ClassToChange editedObject;

class Program
static void Main()
Editor ed = new Editor(new ClassToChange());
So my aim is to let Editor change the data of ClassToChange in a thread-safe way. But as you can see to call all the List data = editedObject.LockAndGetData(), then not to forget the editedObject.Unlock() is very boring to write (and not so safe). Do you have any easy solution for this?

Only solution I have, there might be the CS as attribute of ClassToChange and use lock {} in Editor, but I would need an attribute to every data object of ClassToChange, who would check if the cs is locked to make it safe. So that's also not a good way.

Any ideas?
modified on Tuesday, April 27, 2010 5:16 AM