End Google Ads 201810 - BS.net 01 --> I built a brand new WCF Service which has 11 methods. Added the data layer (linq to sql) and added a test project.
I have the service defined for basicHTTP and SecurityMode=None.

When I do a Service Reference in the test project, I get all of my data object but no client for my service.
I've looked over everything and can find nothing wrong with the coding of the service.
I've looked over the web.config and can find nother wrong with that either.

I'm coding the service under VS2010, C#, I've done a VIew in Browser and the service displays properly and the WSDL displays properly.
Yet no matter what I do I cannot get client code (CentralServicesClient) to appear in the class.

Has anyone expereinced this with VS2010???

I swear all Microsoft does is take something that is easy to do and works and then they break it and make it hard to deploy!!!