End Google Ads 201810 - BS.net 01 --> I am using mmioxxxx library / API to build and save wave in RIFF file.
I can record the audio wave, save it in file and play it Windows Media Player.

However, I cannot load the file and verify the RIFF format in my code properly.
The “data” chunk is not aligned – I get two characters and then “da”.

Consequently I cannot use waveOutOpen and play the file myself.

All audio recording code presented here either does not save and load the RIFF file to play it or skips some header information.

I would like a sample code using either CFile or mmioxxxx file to compare with my code so I can find this “bug”.

I do not need anything else, I think I got the wave API covered.

Any constructive help will be as always appreciated.

PS I feel this is a long shot so I did not post my code. I do that if requested.
