End Google Ads 201810 - BS.net 01 --> Dear All,
I have developed an application which connects to ftp and manipulate with ftp using Linux command with System.Net.Socket
through this class i am sending my commands as bytes and i am receiving my data the same as bytes too.
I am using "NLST *.*" in the folder to get all files, seems this command works fine.
i am searching for a commands where it lists both directories and files in ftp root.
i tried "ls,dir" with its args but it didn't work for me, as the server response is "ls,dir" is not supported by server.
i also used LIST command but it returns more data which i am not interest in.
is there any specific command where it can list folders and files in ftp.
i appreciate to have any links or references of Linux ftp command as NLST,LIST...

Abdul Rahaman Hamidy
Database Developer
Kabul, Afghanistan