End Google Ads 201810 - BS.net 01 --> I have tried to search on samples to see how I could populate a List control from a function. I have been able to do it without using a tab control. However I am now trying to use a tab control that has 2 pages and have been unsucessful.

If anyone has any samples in getting this accomplished I would greatly appreciate it.

I have m_Dialog[1] = CTableSummary.
In this Dialog I have a IDC_LIST2 = m_summary.
In the function DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
DDX_Control(pDx,IDC_LIST2, m_summary);

I have a function thats trying to update that list control.

I have included the TableSummary.h into the function file thats trying to update the list control.

I am getting a compile error left of m_summary must have class/struct/union.

What have i missed or is my insert statement wrong.

I am only having this problem when I use a tab control. It would be stupid of me not to use a tab control since most of the data is summary and details are viewed when there seems to be a problem

Could someone please help.

thanks a million