End Google Ads 201810 - BS.net 01 --> Hi everyone.
I was load an bitmap from resource as image list to show it into an list-control :
m_ImageList.Create(IDB_BITMAP_IL,16,1,ILC_COLORDDB); ListCtrl.SetImageList(&m_ImageList,LVSIL_SMALL); ... ... nIndex = ListCtrl.InsertItem(nRow, _T("Some text"),0); and goes well, but my image list has weak quality ( IDB_BITMAP_IL resource ) ... I think that an icon should look better.

My question is, how can I can load icons into an image list in such way to use follow method to insert items in listcontrol (that I used upper) :
int InsertItem( int nItem, LPCTSTR lpszItem, int nImage ); not
int InsertItem( const LVITEM* pItem );
Thank you.