End Google Ads 201810 - BS.net 01 --> Hi,

I´m searching for the best way, to define some kind of as function alias in C++

I have the following class:

class c1{ private: CString FunctionWithADisturbingLongName(int i);}
And i want the function to have the long function name, because the function of the function has to be explained in it .

But I want to have a shortcut to the function.

I want to do this

c1 test;test.short_1(1);
instead of

c1 test;test.FunctionWithADisturbingLongName(1);
Of course I could declare and define short_1 as a member of c1, and then call FunctionWithADisturbingLongName in it, but there has to be a better solution.

Thank you for helping!