End Google Ads 201810 - BS.net 01 --> I have to write a programthat asks for a persons name for each month until you write DONE. Then you would write all the employess including duplicates and then write another column writing all the employees(no duplicates)

# include
# include
# include

void displayarray(String thearray[], int size)

? i dont no what goes here?

int fillarray(String thearray[], int size)

? dont no what goes here?

bool findit(String thearray[], int lastslot, String nametofind)

? i need help i dont no what code to put here?

int takeoutdups(String thearray[], int numberfilled, String newarray[])

?i dont no what code to put here?


int main()
const int size=12;
String emplofmonth[size];
String emplnodups[size];
