End Google Ads 201810 - BS.net 01 --> Hi,

I am using to named pipes to communicate between a DOS console program "the server"
and a Windows "client" program

Here is the what I have coded

DOS Server


CreateEvent 1) for read 2) for write (used in the overlapped structure) of the Readfile
and Writefile API

DuplicareHandle - used to copy over the file handle created by the CreateFile
in the Windows Client program

WriteFile -- with a OVERLAPPED structure having a event used by CreateEvent

Windows program
CreateFile using the same name (pipename) as the one used in CreateNamedPipe in the DOS server

Openevent used to copy events created by the CreateEvent in the DOS Server

Readfile using a OVERLAPPED structure which has the same named event used by the WriteFile

I must be missing something as I get good retuen codes but can get the data over to the Windows program