End Google Ads 201810 - BS.net 01 --> I am trying to pass a value from a pop up window back to the parent page. The query string is successful, but it wont go back to the previous page, but instead the pop-up window will redirect to the previous page with the values. What I want to do is close the pop-up window, and go back to the previous page with the values. Here are the code that I currently have:

//this is action performed when the button to submit the values are clicked
protected void btnSelect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { GridViewRow row = grdAll.Rows[SelectedProductIndex]; name = row.Cells[2].Text.ToString(); Industry = row.Cells[3].Text.ToString(); SubInd = row.Cells[4].Text.ToString() ; geo = row.Cells[5].Text.ToString(); ******** = row.Cells[6].Text.ToString(); Page.Response.Redirect("frmMain.aspx?name=" + name + "&industry=" + Industry + "&subInd=" + SubInd + "&geo=" + geo + "&********=" + ********); }
//this is the page_load of the parent window
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { if (Page.Request.QueryString["name"] != null) { txtMPSname.Text = Page.Request.QueryString["name"].ToString(); txtLoc.Text = Page.Request.QueryString["********"].ToString(); DlstGeo.Text = Page.Request.QueryString["geo"].ToString(); DlstInd.Text = Page.Request.QueryString["industry"].ToString(); DlstSubInd.Text = Page.Request.QueryString["subInd"].ToString(); } } }