End Google Ads 201810 - BS.net 01 --> Hi everyone,

I am a programer and work with visual studio 2010 and do some c#.

The company provided me a hp proBook 5310m, win7 pro 32-bits laptop with wich I could do my job first using vs 2005 and for something like one year now vs 2010.

Since this laptop is getting old They bought me a new one. A HP EliteBook i7-2920xm, win7 pro 32-bits, a great horse...
The configuration of the OS seems to be similar between each laptop as both have the same OS and are fully up to date. For VS 2010 I exported/imported the settings from the IDE.

So I downloaded the code from the source safe to the new laptop and tried to complete the necessary compiling of the referenced projects before I can start working with the one I am on.

That's where the problem began to start.

The programs in the solution I am developping are mainly targeting the framework 2.
As we are using WCF WebServices we need to reference some dll that come from the framework 3.5 as for instance:
'System.Runtime.Serialization.dll' or 'System.ServiceModel.dll' and a few other ones.

First of all I noticed that I have to re-reference those 3.5 targeting dlls. At this point I get an warning message box saying this dlls are targeting a framework higher than the projects and I should target a higher framework.
I searched the net and found that the solution spreaded around is the one that consist of unloading
the project, edit it and place the tag 'True'' for these referenced dlls.

This solution seems to work but then all other referencing programs must be adapted this way and as the solution contains at least 50 programs and references programs in other solutions and so on it is not realistic to unload and modify all this projects settings at least as I do not have the rights to perform this kind of setting.

Can someone explain me why everything works fine on a laptop and not on another that has the same configuration.

It is driving me mad and I cannot use the new laptop.