End Google Ads 201810 - BS.net 01 --> Hi all ,

I'm creating MVC4 controller that accepts Uri as parameter from the caller (wrapped in the AppMessage class with other info ) , this uri represents callBack link (WCF service / web page/ ) so this link is used to send the success of execution block of the controller body . I want the client to be notified so he can perform some acts when this confirmation is recieved by the requested uri .

public class AppMessage{public Uri CallbackUri { get; set; }public string data1 {get;set;} ....}and the controller looks like
public ActionResult Send(AppMessage message){//..//Code goes here on the message data//..// Let's call it Notify methodNotifyByURi(message.Uri)}
I would love to hear what is the best way to implement such thing (Web service deuplix communication / SignalR .... what else ?)