End Google Ads 201810 - BS.net 01 --> In a dialog, WM_PAINT message handler, I set a timer.
void CXYZDlg::OnPaint(){... SetTimer(12, 2500, NULL);}
in the OnTimer(),I found I have to set it again, then it goes into
the breakpoint in OnTimer() repeatedly. otherwise, it only goes into the OnTimer() function once.

void CXYZ::OnTimer(UINT_PTR nIDEvent){if (g_Scroll == 1) { if ( sc< 16 ){ BuzzerOnce(1); SC++; } else sc = 1; } ... SetTimer(1361, 2500, NULL); //Have to set this, other wise OnTimer only runs once. I am confused with this statement. CDialog::OnTimer(nIDEvent);}