End Google Ads 201810 - BS.net 01 --> I am trying to extract the functions in a module by using the DBGHELP.LIB functions and loading only the PDB.

I can't seem to get SymEnumSymbols to invoke the callback at all. The SymEnumSymbols function returns 'success' as if it had done something. Trying various combinations of 'options' using SymSetOptions has not yielded results either. When I search The Internet almost always the result/examples seem to come back with examples where the EXE is loaded and running and has been attached to or at very least the process handle has been obtained.

Is having the process handle of the running EXE a requirement Microsoft has completely forgotten to state while using this 'Debug' library?

I need a 32 bit unsigned value just to hold the number of coding WTF I see in a day …