End Google Ads 201810 - BS.net 01 --> I have to define a directive depending upon the value of an expression.
For Eg:
In the following statement when I change the value of DLEVEL then the STACK value changes correctly as the value of DLEVEL is a constant.
#define DLEVEL 0
#if DLEVEL == 0
#define STACK 100
#define STACK 50
printf("STACK = %d\n",STACK);

However in the following STACK value changes incorrectly when I change the value of x since the x is not a const expression.
const int x = 0;
#define DLEVEL x
#if DLEVEL == 0
#define STACK 100
#define STACK 50
printf("STACK = %d\n",STACK);

Anyway to define a directive depending upon the value of an expression ?