
تطبيق لمتابعة حالة الطقس لجميع الدول والمدن العربية أول بأول ويمكنك مشاركة حالة الطقس بجميع
يعمل مع جمبع أجهزة الأندرويد والسامسونج

Welcome to the official “ArabiaWeather” application! where you can easily find out everything related to the weather conditions in your area. This is accomplished by:
– Displaying the daily weather conditions through a private-alert ********
– Receiving notifications in case of emergencies or when a change of weather conditions occurs.
– Selection of multiple ********s in your “Favorites” list.
– Just a click away from sharing weather conditions with your friends on social media.
– Providing an hourly weather-forecast service.
– Get to know all weather-related lifestyle activities, such as: Sports, Health and more…
– No more weather surprises from now on! Enjoy the ArabiaWeather Application, but don’t forget to share our weather news and entertainment with the rest of you friends.

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