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Installing Plug-ins in the Eclipse Environment
1.0 Installing a Plug-in with an Update Site

Most plug-ins will have an update site, making it easy to add and update plug-ins within Eclipse. Steps 1.1 and 1.2 outline how to create an update site. Step 1.3 outlines how to update a plug-in from an already existent update site

1.1 Find the URL of the update site for the plug-in.
1.2 Create an update site for the plug-in (The directions may vary slightly depending on what version of Eclipse you are using, but the idea is the same across all 3.x releases. These directions are specific to Eclipse 3.1)

1.1.1 Select Help > Software Updates > Find and Install. Select Search for new features to install. Click Next.

1.1.2 Click the New Remote Site button. Give the update site a name, such as the name of the plug-in, and type in the update site URL . Click OK. A new update site will be added to the list.
1.1.3 Check the update site that you want to update from (you may select more than one!). Click Finish.

1.1.4 If the update site has several mirrors (like the Eclipse update site) select the mirror you wish to update from. Click OK.

1.1.5 Press the + button next to the plug-in you want to install. This will list all possible features you can install. Select the features that you want to install. Click Next.

1.1.6 You will need to accept the terms of the licence agreement(s) of the feature(s) that you are installing. Click Next.

1.1.7 A list of feature(s) you are installing will be provided. Click Finish to start the install.

1.1.8 You will need to verify the features that you installed. Click Install or Install All to finish the installation.

1.1.9 You will now be asked to restart the workbench. Click Yes

2.0 Installing a Plug-in Manually

If a plug-in does not have an update site, then you will be able to download the plug-in as a zip file. To install the plug-in, unzip the file into the Eclipse installation directory (or the plug-in directory depending on how the plug-in is packaged).

3.0 Updating Installed Plug-ins

If you have already created an update site for a plug-in, it is easy to look for new updates.

1.1 Select Help > Software Updates > Find and Install.

1.2 Select Search for updates of currently installed features. Click Next.

1.3 Check the update sites that you want to check for new features. Select Finish.

1.4 If there are features to install then you will install the features as in step 1.1.5.