End Google Ads 201810 - BS.net 01 --> Hi I don't know if anyone could help me. I'm beginner on C# programing and I have an assignment to finish and i don't know how to finish!!!
I started creating a program with a menu with options to creates a new file and read the new file. The files that I create have an boundary limits(not less than 125 and no more than 350 characters in number) and after creating and saving the file there is an option to go to main menu. This is the part that I've done. Now I have to after writting on the new file create an option to encript and save the file and when opening the file it should have another option to go back to plain text format(decrypt). The encryption should be represented as numbers grouped in pairs, and it should create alternate numbers(written twice). for some single letters ( the most common ones a,e,o,r,t), also using null characters I have to include some mechanism for introduce spaces!!! I really apreciate if anyone could help me with some suggestions,