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الموضوع: عمل قائمة احترافية لصفحات الويب شرح مصور

  1. #1
    :: عضو مميز ::
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Aug 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    Lightbulb عمل قائمة احترافية لصفحات الويب شرح مصور

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    I hate side menus. I always have, I prefer having as much content on
    the screen as I can (ok I know this blog don’t conform to that, but I
    mean generally). Never the less side menus are needed with most sites
    that want to display more than just navigation links. Here is a short
    tutorial on creating a bubble style navigation menu.
    First create your document, I used the values:
    Width: 900 Pixels
    Height: 700 Pixels
    Background: Transparent.
    Of course if you feel more comfortable with having a small display
    window that’s fine, but for me the extra spaces gives me an area to
    play around in.
    Create a new layer (Layer – new – Layer) Set your color to be
    #aaccef. Now using the rounded rectangle tool create a rectangle with
    Radius of 7.

    Make the rectangle slightly smaller than you want the width of the
    navigation menu to be. The size of the menu is all dependant on what
    you really want to use it for, never the less I use the values 175
    Pixels. By this time you should have something like:

    Create a new layer (Layer – New - Layer) Now once again
    use the rounded rectangle change the radius from 7 to 11 and the color
    to #d4e5f6. Starting drawing a rectangle on top of your previous
    rectangle but slightly smaller, leaving a larger gap at the top than
    the bottom (see picture below)

    It’s already a nice looking side bar. Of course we want to really
    make it stronger when it comes to standing out. For this we shall add a
    drop shadow on the first layer, so select it from the Layers menu
    section then right click and select Blending Options

    You should now see the blending options window, on this window select the Drop Shadow tab item then use the following settings:
    Blend Mode: Normal
    Opacity: 75%
    Noise: 0
    Color: #4155a1

    Now we want to add a stroke. To do this click the Stroke option in
    the Blending Options ******** We will use the follow details to give it
    a light bordered style.
    Size: 2 Pixels
    Position: Outside
    Blend Mode: Normal
    Opacity: 100%
    Fill Type: Color

    This should create a very nice elegant and smooth border around the
    box, without using to many dark colors. Next we want to move onto the
    finishing touches. We’re going to use a icon to give our navigation box
    some more interest, the icon you use is up to you, and you can find
    some fantastic icons here. Because of the blue nature of the menu, and because I like fish I shall be using this fantastic icon
    from TurboMilk. Download the icon you plan to use in PNG format at the
    biggest size you can. Then in photoshop open the icon you downloaded

    The icon will open in a full ******** Because of this we
    want to click the inner minimize icon as indicated in the image below.
    This should make the icon window around the same size of the icon

    We now want to drag our icon onto our menu document
    (make sure you have the move tool selected, press v to activate the
    move tool. Once you’ve moved the icon into your menu document you can
    let go of the mouse. Now still using the move tool navigate the icon to
    the top left of the menu. Then press CLT and T together to activate the
    transform options slightly angle the icon (see image below)

    You should now have something like the below image.
    That’s the end of this short tutorial. The method is extremely easy to
    do, and so much so at one point when Photoshop crashed it only took me
    40 seconds to recreate the menu.

  • #2
    Wa7ed Men el NaSS الصورة الرمزية wa7edmenelnass
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jun 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    افتراضي رد: عمل قائمة احترافية لصفحات الويب شرح مصور

    Gamda GDN
    Thanks alot ya Lost

    Very Amazing !
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      آخر مشاركة: 02-01-2009, 03:07 AM
    2. wysiwyg Web Editor - محرر الويب المشهور الأن وحصري أحدث نسخه منه
      بواسطة wa7edmenelnass في المنتدى تطوير المواقع - Web Development
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    3. اليابان, السويد و هولندا من الاوائل فى قائمة الدول التى تمتلك اعلى سرعات الانترنت
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      آخر مشاركة: 01-11-2009, 01:30 AM
    4. مشاركات: 3
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    5. شرح بالصور عمل قوائم احترافية بالفوتوشوب
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