End Google Ads 201810 - BS.net 01 --> Lets say you have to do 4 things,
void f1()
void f2()
void f3()
void f4()

Alt 1: Run them like this
f1(); f2(); f3(); f4();

Alt 2: Run them each one with a separate thread
Thread t1 = new Thread (f1); t1.Start();
Thread t2 = new Thread (f2); t2.Start();
Thread t3 = new Thread (f3); t3.Start();
Thread t4 = new Thread (f4); t4.Start();

(the functions just read resources, they dont write, so dont worry about threading sync)

Alt 2 should take less time than Alt 1???

I tried to test this but I'm doubting of the results because at the beginning I had one result (threading is faster) and then anoter (same times)

Logically thinking.. the threading solution shouldnt be faster because in reality they arent running at the same time.. they are being switched ( thats why there is only 1 CurrentThread when one calls Thread.CurrentThread static method )

Please help.