End Google Ads 201810 - BS.net 01 --> I have a probleme with c# i can't built anithing i can't hack easy.
evenobfuscate(not pro) will leave the string readable.
i have so hacked (not destruct just for learn security) a lot of c# app they all have thousand way to have fun with.

how to well protect a string??
i tried encrypt it but i'm confused with that since all the crypt function look like.


hacker are still able to read the key and its not encrypted so they can use the function + key for decrypt data???
some peaple tell put the key in app.config but that file is even readable in notepad so i don't see any corect way to protect string.

i do something wrong?

so i was thinking call the key from an unmanaged key.dll writed with c++.
is c++ easy to hack? if yes tell me what tool haker use so i can chek.

rigth now i'm thinking use an other langage on sensible part what langage can't be hacked that easy?